Friday, February 19, 2010



I went hiking know that means?  I live in LA and if you're any kind of a reasonally intelligent person it is your respnsibility to take advantage of the amazing hills and mountains that sit so near...or not! And how often do I do this appealing great sounding activity?  Close to never.  But an old High school buddy wanted to meet and dish me on the reunion that I of course didnt attend.  Let me tell you, everyone should do a hike in the morning...there was a deep incline at the onset... for a second I was thinking ok this is not gonna work, it hurts....but after that it was totally do-able.  So here's the sell- when will I do it again?  I dont know, but the endorphines that set in after a good hike lead one to believe that this is something to be done on a daily basis.  What could possiblly be better than getting your fat or skinny ass onto a canyon hike with someone you love hanging with but can't find the time to see,,,and while your heart is pumping you can  chat away.  Doesnt get better I dont think.  And forget the view up there--- on most days, you get that freaky Hallmark feeling of "wow what a beactiful place this is to live", that is if you decide to ignore the orange layer of smog that can freak you out once you realize thats what it is on the horizon.  Anway- the good news is.....for a fleeting moment at the beginning of my day, everything felt just about perfect...Maybe this  is what we all need, not for gossip, not for vamity but for good pure old fashioned good life-ness.  And one day when I become that crunchy LA organized woman who begins every blog entry with, I've just returned from my morning hike you can laugh and then shoot me.   


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