Thursday, September 21, 2006

Well hi everyone- I'm hoping a lot of you actually read this blog as I've had something happen that I want to share----Long very ugly story made short is this-I hired a web person to move my hosting service to another company as I am readying to build chats and discussions on the site-Heres the long part made short- the company" accidentally" ERASED all my e-mails, all the stories I'd collected since the release of my book in April- dont want to go into what that means for me and my research- Yes they say they are going to try and recover, but there is a 2 percent chance it will work- SOOOO yes feel badly for me, that I dont have those priceless stories, but more, if you've sent a story and want to re-send it please do, or if you've never written me, give it a try Id love to hear from you.
On another note all else is fine, and the book is still drawing media attention, or should I say the topic is drawing the attention, and thats what I love-getting the owrd out there, and thanks to you guys thats happening.

Keep checking in for the airdates of the Greg Behrendt show, should be very soon- And THANK all of you for reading and visiting-


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