Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Real life/movies

Well-Hola all
Again I am horrible at the keeping up with the blog thing, but so many women have written wondering why I don't post...I'm posting. I'm so much better at answering the website e mails!!!

Speaking of the mails coming into the site, I have to say I have been INUNDATED with comments and questions on the topic of the movie Sex In The City. I don't even know where to begin. I might begin by saying I have so much to say on this topic check web site for release of an article in fabulous women's magazine soon to be announced.

Okay so how many women over the age of 11 have four friends with whom they speak daily, dine weekly and can jaunt off to Mexico on a half days notice??? Sex In The City is a movie, created by entertainment geniuses, promoted by advertising gurus and acted in by fabulous actresses. Last I personally checked my four closest tribal members, my four nearest and dearest...barely really know each other. Yes I have three or four but they are not connected to one another, the only occasional link is me!

After dozens of inquiries into the site I decided to check this out a little further, the way I do. And here's the news flash-----please don't feel lesser than, or loser-ish, or deprived when you look at the reality that you don't have the bosom buddies you saw depicted in the movie. If it makes you feel any better, which it will, VERY few women over the age of 18 have the glory of 4 enmeshed girlfriends --- who continue to stay daily ingrained in every day life for decades at a time. See real life is at best, closer to the Lucy and Ethel depiction. Now there is something most of us can relate to. comedy/tragedy of every day life. Faults, flaws, mistakes, fights, paranoia's...Lucy and Ethel are more my real speed, and more the speed of most American women.

Regardless I find it utterly fantastic that so much attention be given to the idea of female friendship...so any way we can get it, we'll take it. This movie was a blockbuster hit, and how it affects women according to my site is interesting to say the least. Some are inspired to find a group, yen for that bond. Others are quietly inspired to put more efforts into their existing friendships, and then some are depressed and distraught by the overwhelming reality that their female friendships are so very far from this fashion, lavished romanticized idea of female friendship.

I say this, what matters only is the richness you feel in your life from the friends with whom you are blessed. How many, who, when where and what you have on matters little. So pick yourself up give yourself a reality slap and know that your view of your life is the only one that matters.
And give a quiet toast to society for recognizing on any level the import and impact that our friends have on our lives.

I know I'll be hearing something from this post!!!



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