Monday, February 20, 2006

Hi-well thanks to quite a few unidentified viewers, I was recently informed that the "Story of the month" page, submit a story button, was not working properly. It is now fixed and working perfectly, so feel free to use it, and thank you for letting me know.

I am getting more and more requests to come visit book clubs, which thrills me, I look so forward to hearing and hashing views and thoughts from my greatest resource...all of you!

Cheers, and have a great week-

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Well I feel compelled right now to say thank you to each and every one of you who have so generously shared the coming of my book and this site with the women in your lives. I've received dozens and dozens of mails letting me know you have chosen my book for your book clubs. It's easy to forget the power of female word of mouth- I cant tell you what it does to me to imagine there will be so many women sitting around discussing this topic with one's the reason I wrote it... so thank you.
I've gotten several inquiries from people asking if they pre-order the book can they bring it to a signing to get signed...of course-yes-absolutely. I also received an interesting mail yesterday from a woman who told me she'd decided to send the book anonymously to two friends she'd had in the past. She asked what I thought about that. And I told her in fact, I myself plan to send it anonymously (which is ridiculous, as I am the author) to at least two of the friends I wrote about in the book. I will obviously have to be bold enough to enscibe something, but you guys can totally send it to people anonymously, and should if you feel inclined. Have a great day-

Monday, February 13, 2006

So this is my blog- Two weeks ago I'd never even heard that word. But as I understand it, this is an easy way for me to share with you what goes on with this topic and the book. And a great way to keep what you're shaing and I'm learning out in the open.

So here's what I wanted to share today. About a week after I launched this new site to about seventy women, I began receiving tons of e mails from the Dallas area. So... one of my four sisters lives there, and was sending the site to everyone she knew, I just didn't realize she knew the entire state! I opened one particular mail from a woman who told me she was so excited about the book and this topic, that she decided she was going to have a
-Good Morning America Party- Yes, that's what she said, she is going to pre-order the book, and invite several friends for an early morning bloody mary, and mimosa party- the catch is you have to bring a friend with you to the party whom you havent seen or spoken with in over a year. I thought it was brilliant- Soon after I heard from a woman in Iowa, and then one in Boston, who also thought of having GMA coffee's and inviting friends they havent seen in a long time. I thought this was news worthy. So in Dallas it's bloody's, in boston it's Coffee, in Iowa they're meeting after an early run. And all the while I'll be plugging the book in NYC at Good Morning America. I look so forward to hearing the stories after the parties. Please mail me your thoughts, questions or whatever, it is from your ideas that we learn so much- Thanks and Cheers-
Testing the blog